Adelpho Fruits also offer a variety of more exotic and seasonable fruits, just check availability with us.
Pitaya has various common names such as dragon fruit cactus, strawberry cactus, porcupine hedgehog cactus, straw-color hedgehog, and pitahaya.
The plant is a cactus species indigenous to the Americas.
Fruit plants can grow in same area as sapodilla, mango, apricots and plums.
Pitaya cacti usually germinate between 11 and 14 days after shallow planting. The various species include chicle, pitaya, cascarilla, and many others.
It has an interesting natural effect, pitaya flowers bloom overnight and usually wilt by the morning. Once the fruit is diced, it becomes rapidly prone to degradation, but its freshness can be extended 1-3 days with propper refrigeration.
The fruit's texture is sometimes likened to that of the kiwifruit because of its black, crunchy seeds. The flesh is bland, mildly sweet and low in calories.
We commercialize the red and white external/internal fruit variations as well.

Lychee (lychee or letchi) is the fruit of a tree, Litchi sinensis, native to China.
It has been introduced here in Brazil with an excellent adaptation with great quality and production results.
Lychee is an exotic fruit that is often found on stalls between November and February.
It is seasonal and occurs in early summer. Around november/december in Brazil.
Its very fragrant flesh is refreshing and, best of all, it is very rich in vitamin C. With 40 to 60mg per 100g, it contains as much as orange , kiwi or grapefruit.
We do not employ any kind of chemical method to improve its conservation. Propper refrigeration and enviromental friendly practices will just do it for us.
Its mild sweetness and refreshing taste are unique.


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