Adelpho Fruits is always searching for best practices and the welfare of our customers and employees.
The Worldwide Standard for Good Agricultural Practices certify to the consumers that food production at Adelpho Fruits Farms minimizes the negative impacts in the environment. Adelpho Fruits' work is aimed at minimizing the use of chemical inputs and ensures a responsible approach to health and safety of our employees.
The GRASP Add-on is an additional module to GLOBALG.A.P. Certification. This module was conceived to avail associated risks with social practices, which ensures that good social practices are not limited to products only, but also people. It is committed to Worker's Health, Safety and Welfare.
GRASP helps establish a good social management system, offering buyers an additional assurance that one of the most important features is not explored: People.
SMETA is Sedex’s social auditing methodology, enabling businesses to assess their sites and suppliers to understand working conditions in their supply chain. A social audit is one of the best ways to understand the working conditions at a supplier site.
An auditor physically attends the site – or workplace – of a business, enabling
the auditor to assess the conditions on the ground.
SMETA (Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit) assesses a site based on their organisation’s standards of labour, health and safety, environment and business ethics. Sedex believes
these are key areas for assessing an organisation’s responsible business practices and meeting social compliance.
